the tower tattoo??
What does he feel about me
How to learn to use tarot? Which one to buy?
Stupid question from a beginner!
Any biologically childfree people here? What's your sign and why don't you want kids?
why do i feel as if i attract jealousy from the people close to me?
Snoopy question
Will i be famous in 10 years? Am 18M
Any others here that hate themselves?
What’s your sign and which Pokémon would you be ?
act like your stereotypes in the comments☆
Unpopular opinion: Do not play therapist with your readings
Picture from my New Moon ritual!!
earth signs is it just me or are you obsessed with fire signs🤭
Why I don’t like self reads
What's your moon placement, and does it influence your taste in music?
If you had to be stuck at one age forever, which age would it be?
I’ve been single for 6 years now, by choice. Is there anything inhibiting my ability to feel romantic attraction?
I lost 35 mins the other morning staring at myself in the mirror because I felt I looked so beautiful, I couldn’t look away. I will give a tender thought to anyone who can guess any of my big 6
What kind of sewer do you have?
Do you consider it a red flag if someone you’re thinking of dating doesn’t believe in therapy? If not, why?
Favorite month ahead spreads or questions
CMV: There are no two English words that are completely interchangeable.
If everyone had to wear a warning label describing their personality, what would yours say?
Which of the Major Arcana do you identify with the most?