[discussion] How do you know if a unit is good or not?
When will it be half price? [fluff]
Por que quase nenhum emulador tem suporte ao mouse?
How do I unlock Uragaan and Agnaktor?
Qual a opinião de vocês sobre Monster Hunter Frontiers?
por qual jogo começar a jogar monster Hunter
[Discussion] Is it impossible for two 777s to enter the machine?
Hunt 2 Furious Rajang
Me dêem nomes, kkkkk
Só música boas
Rampage é adaptação de jogo???
Does anyone else find Monoblos more threatening than Diablos?
Tô preso em um mesmo estilo de jogos... preciso quebrar esse costume, alguma recomendação?
Why doesn't this rat that looks like a cat help at crucial moments?
How is endgame rise? Is it better/worse than world?
Shouldn’t I have the black border for monkey meadow
My experience hunting the primordial Malzeno for the first time
Started playing yorick 4 days ago and discovered lethality comet mid yorick
Chapter 3 brings emotions
Como posso melhorar em desenhos e configurar a caneta da mesa digitalizadora?
If you could bring back one feature from the old games to frustrate new players what would aggravate them the most?
Everyone always asks what your favorite monster is but what monster would you celebrate being hunted into extinction?