rEp DoEsNt EqUAl sKiLl
Markvart von Aulitz dispite having about 15 minutes of screen time in a 200 hour story he ended up being the best and most compelling character in both [KCD1] and [KCD2]
[Testing Grounds] Berserker Feats
1 month no for honor and this is literally the first interaction i have with a teammate
It's wild how you can smell the sweat of Warden mains through your screen
How tf do I fight Khatun as Nobu?
shugoki is even more cancer than hitokiri and I'm tired of pretending he isn't
How would you make Shinobi "balanced" in both 1s and 4s while keeping the kit and mechanics in a similar state? Is it possible to nerf Shinobi properly without touching their core mechanics as well?
Pirate Hero Fest
Why does warden punish with bashes?
Is there a genuine explanation as to why I wasn't getting revenge? (ignore the groaning in the background, friend was playing MH Wilds)
New to the game, is Afeera 1v1 viable or should i go with warmonger or LB ?
Can’t believe im cooking th14s with this army 🥸
Avoid this guy
"Gassing Jews is EndGoal That is what we are trying to Prevent"
Warum ist die Partei, die ich ablehne, so schlecht?
Streit über Politik
Muss ich als Mann die gesamten Kosten für einen Urlaub zahlen?
Opinion on rushers who dont upgrade their heroes (use hero potions)
What happened?
What is the most recommended level for this guy?
people keep assuming i'm gay, please what haircut do i get???
5 more days until I tell my mama I made it
Was genau macht die afd so schlimm?