Black man busts huge nut
What heroes do you want to play but they just don't click for you? I'll start:
Bad, funny or just plain weird usernames you've come across.
who is this guy? wrong answers only!!!
Who else does this?
No way
If NRS would remake a old MK game which one would you wanted remade?
What's the first game you think of when you see this logo?
CMV: marvel rivals is not casual friendly anymore
You're Trapped in Prison,The Last Character You Played Has to Rescue You. How Screwed Are You?
Why do Rogue shows off when she can't even be touched?
Too many flying enemies, not enough Vanguards with reach
The reward for worst 600 currency skin goes to this thing.
What game is this?
Something went wrong
LMAO they just came out
Is Doom ever going to be added?
What was the first MK game you played
You guys don't want to play tank
When your standing stone is taller than you.
You can’t park there mate
Anyone else doesn't have a main yet lol , they're all fun to play
Glitches am I right?
Do better or swap off
Solo queuing on console is actually torture