Chizuru in bed
Big Boobs Oppai
Hatsune Miku and Luka Megurine my tattoo 🩵❤️
First places “special” prize
If you could have one pokemon pet, which one would you choose?
Which anime character would be the worst roommate?
Which anime character has the most iconic outfit?
The best book, everything from Studio Ghibli 🩵
What is your favorite anime meme?
Češi, co máte dnes k sobotnímu k obědu?
Which anime surprised you the most—either positively or negatively?
If you could create a dream team of five anime characters, who would you choose?
What is the scariest anime world that you would never want to live in?
Falcon escape pod
Is there an anime that you think will never age and will still be popular in 50 years?
Clara (Project QT)
Made some stickers
Co je podle vás nejlepší český film?
Which anime deserved a sequel but never got one?
Jak hodnotíte kvalitu života v Česku?
Which anime handles time loops or time travel the best?
Character design reveal by birdman🦊! #MikuAndShakaro
Gift for my wife
If you could choose any other song/music for your anime, what would it be?
What’s your favorite anime fight scene?