Endgame GvG players in plat 3 and above. Is unshaken will better than guardian for torodor?
Possible Anora on 29th
Bank names (and few extras) in Jawi
If legendary extract is valued at 200 gems with discount let us sell ours for half the price
Any ideas for improving Apoc 1 team.
Funny coincidence
So what y’all gonna do for the next four years in America? I’m gonna chill in a cave kratos style
Still upset that she is part of arcana instead of new hero
This is sad
RIP watcher of realms?
Was this a glitch in arena?
Is there another Fighter with 4 base block?
Who wins?
No need to thank me folks
Silas or Hex?
Sun Wukong lord Laya vs Torodor
Sorry had to do it
A year later
Who to pick???
New to Dota
Last day to posts this. Thanks for the event. glad we had that story