Do you regret the number of people you slept with before getting married? If so why?
What is your most unique drinking game?
I moved 900+ miles for a man I met on the internet, AMA
What was your "doesn't know your own strength" moment?
Have you started and succeeded in an online relationship (like Reddit) ?
How did you meet your SO?
What do good graphics REALLY do for gaming?
You are being interviewed in the street, you have a moment to send a message to your ex, what do you wanna tell them?
Who do you picture in your head when you hear the word love ?
i’m 16 and scared of the fucking dark.
What standard clothing article does your partner wear that instantly gets your blood pumping?
What do you want to physically change about yourself ?
Customer service workers. What’s the worst experience you’ve ever had at your job?
People who choose not to exercise, why?
Men who have had hookups, flings, and one-night stands are also capable of being loyal and devoted boyfriends.
whats a hill you’re willing to die on no matter how ridiculous or not?
What things make people miserable without them even knowing?
On the flip side, what is something you love telling people about yourself?
Is it possible to recover an abusive relationship if the abuser wants to improve themself?
What’s a small decision you made that changed your life forever?
Question for people in a relationship/marriage whether you are man or a woman, when being challenged in any way that could lead to cheating what is the thing that stops you from doing it, what makes you think "No, I can't do that to her/him"?
Those of you who are married? What was the age gap when you first met?
Is there a difference to you between living at home rent free and living in someplace your family/ parents own rent free?
What’s one thing everyone looks at you crazy for not liking?
My gf (F27) wants me (M30) to choke her. She says if she passes out, it's okay.. a bit weird, isn't it?