Show me a meme, ANY meme
Why not?
Your last saved image defeated goku. What is it?
Today I found out I am an ISTJ who has been stuck in the infamous si-fi loop for a long time.
Let’s see what you got 🟫who let bro cook 🟥 GET OUT 🟦 good one 🏆BEST NAME EVER🔥
What's your MBTI and what are your top 3 most frequently used emojis?
What personality type/s do you struggle to understand or connect with as an INFP?
The stars aligned ✨
You would expect flowery anime wifes fr
ISTJs who mistyper as INTJs, what were the signs you're an ISTJ after all?
Tried my new lipstick at work today :-)
What do you think their dynamic would be as a couple?
I turned 20 yesterday:)
ISTJs, what is your opinion and experience with your golden mbti match: ESXP
Fellow INTPs, what are your darkest fantasies/secrets?
What is the real meaning of life and existence?
An ISTJ’s Perspective on INFPs
How mfs act after watching one episode of classroom of the elite
I'm INTP 8w7, what's your type and ennergram?
40K Guys in 1HR
Blood Ravens meme reposts never hurt
As soon as I saw this, it made laugh.
Can you guess what scared the heck out of my wife and I at 2 am
He's a mutant, denies the divinity of the Emperor and his followers drink blood.... defend him
A child start crying in public:
Question to ISTJ men/women from ESFP woman: Do you believe in golden pairs and what are your experience?