No super-people in Gotham
I salute these wee madmen🫡
And thats why he's the commander
When you realize he's the only child killer on the team
He dodged it :D
The cobra can slither through ANYTHING | Daredevil #31
God i wanna be a hobbit😭
Reminder that this guy killed 2 toddlers
Thats a weird mental picture: Arnold but as a teenager girl
I always feel like humans are holding out on us😤
This is canon, and u cant tell me otherwise
Personally, if they ever did a live action anything with Mass Effect, I'd want Jon Bernthal to play Shepard
How do we live so long? We constantly do dumb shit
Spidey fans: “wHy Do ThE wRiTeRs HaTe peTeR” Hulk fans: “That’s cute”
Ah yes, Reed "The Eldrich Horror" Richards
Death. War. Bretonnians.
One of them magic folk stole my demon-core flail
Big Barda From DC Comics
Another greg land masterpiece
What the hell is this food tray
Good talk, boys
Normal alien things