What anime was this for you?
[Arcane Sniper] What the hell are these insane debuffs? How is anyone supposed to win in this game? Not being able to move for 3 mins is a death sentence
I’m looking for an anime where the mc is a really proficient fighter
[Lord of the Mysteries] LOTM Donghua official trailer
Anyone dah jatuh sakit sebab puasa?
Which anime would make the best video game adaptation?
Recommendations Please!
You're making a anime but you're forced to put 5 of these tropes below on it, which ones would choose and why ?
Update: My mom, including my dad, wants me back home for Ramadan.
Father, mother and baby all in one bike doing grab
AITA if I cut my friends off for not defending me?
Queerness and Islam just really shouldn't interact with eachother
If you could erase one character from existence, who is it?
What’s an anime trope that needs to die, and what should replace it?
How do people talk about their late parents without falling apart? Because I still can’t..
I noticed this buka puasa habit
Malaysia: "we can't afford bullet trains.". Meanwhile in China...
Highspeed train vs cars.
Incident happened around Kajang area very recently. (NSFW warning)
Is 25 Too Late to Escape the Cycle of Failed Relationships?
should i buy it?
No spoilers, but is there a farm?
Is it really “insecure and controlling” to feel uncomfortable with my girlfriend talking inappropriately with her ex
Is Dan Da Dan actually a good anime?
What game would you recommend to someone who has never played a video games before, and can only play one for the rest of their lives?