She needs the full tea girlies please!!
hormones or contouring
Should I go thru with FFS?
My bumble match didn’t read / realize I was trans and blocked me. Feels shitty
When to get FFS?
My lilac and blue fawn pied baby Brunello
DC insurance for FFS?
To bottom surgery or not, that is the question.
Thoughts on fluffy Frenchies?
Questions about Dr. Justine Lee
Orgasm on HRT
Any other ppl get FFS with Del Corral?
Which surgeon(s) is(are) KNOWN specifically for their hairline advancement surgeries?
Coronal vs hairline incision ffs
3 Months Post FFS! ✨
I have been told that I am attractive and have been told that I am unattractive. This is my most recent picture. Any opinions?
hairline advancement