You run a TCAP museum. What are your top 3 items that you’d want in your museum.
Cinema L’amour
Which Lorne are you feeling like today?
Mama Gwen's facebook page............
Why are you here?
How much corset training can you have? Yes.
I fawkin hate this stupid fawk
Do you want your steak raw?
Family said it was too raw
Roommate repeatedly loudly masturbates.
Favorite pred quote to psych/gas themselves up? I'll start with "you haven't seen the talents of me yet!"
Who’s disguise looks the best
Lorne doesn’t earn his ladders
Maybe if you guys wanted to. We could have sex.
Out of all the excuses that predators use, stevetakespix had one of the most perplexing
Lorna Armstrong and the robot (Jaimie)
Where’s my hug?
Is it inappropriate to ask your employee for hugs?
I have fallen down a Lorne chat log rabbit hole. He does not own a bed test expects a 13 year old girl is going to be exited to come stay with him.
Shave down thar
Unsymmetric vs left vs right symmetrical Lorne. I'm starting to think Mama Gwen dropped Lorne on his head as a baby.
My face when I see my parents reading my browsing history
Did Jeff Stacy really have cerebral palsy?
Does Jeff Sokol REALLY look like a dirty, dishonest, person to you?
Cat abuser on Tiktok
The best christmas gift so far
You smell like shit