Kid Flash ruined Mammoths potential redemption arc
Did anyone else think Goku was about to use Dragon Fist when he raised his fist up in the air?
blah blah blah
who cares anymore
All caps incoherent rants are back
I bet Kakashi felt really stupid about this vision once he found out the truth
Robins communicator seems to be able to animate the Icon of the person he’s speaking with
DBS Chapter 1 confirms Kid Buu is the strongest
Which version do you like better?
Billy Numerous was on Demon Time
Ye story
Slade listing what he did to Raven as one of the “benefits” of working for Trigon is insane
Full hq snippet from ye instagram video with the game - “Tina”
Once Upon An Ed
Just one of the guys
Thoughts on Gokus lack of response in this scene?
Archer wanted this woman to give him a rimjob in heaven
Shuichi could’ve had it all if it wasn’t for Yoko
Not gonna lie, this part used to scare me
WTF is Ye actually doing?
What food would have you actin out like this if it got banned?
Anyone else completely not hyped for new music?
New tweet
Why he goes hard
Funny how this is really the only time Starfires outfit is addressed