I’m annoyed at how slow I’m progressing.
I need help with the choices.
How long is this episode 😂
Just started Taz’s route…thought y’all were over exaggerating it. Y’all weren’t.
Spot the difference
Stop this is too cute 😭🫶🏻
in progress fan-made game
Officially a Jin girly
MC's hair went white
this mf looks like my fish
Why do they look like twins?
NO more of him
Cat top laptop
whats the release days for this show
Just tried putting a collar on Ravioli
New game
Waste of Gems
making mc bald now, bc a nervous breakdown would be the only explanation as to why would she say that to ace
no new episodes
is anyone else tired of the “toy” box
I'm replaying Hot Couture
Gender confusion