First time on ssri’s—sos!!

I just got prescribed 25 mg of zoloft for severe anxiety, ocd and depression. after scrolling through many posts on the negative side effects of this medication, i’m really scared to start taking it.

I’ve heard that 25mg is a very low dose, and my doctor said I won’t start to feel the symptoms until about 4 weeks in—but have seen so many people say they’ve gotten brain zaps, severely dilated pupils, tremors, increased anxiety, lowered sex drive (big dealbreaker for me lol), stomach problems, etc. I also drink alcohol pretty frequently, and smoke marijuana every day. Will this have any negative effects?

Can anyone please help ease my mind and tell me their experience on zoloft, because I am scared shitless lol.

I really want to treat my anxiety as i’ve been dealing with mental health issues my whole life (I am 21) and I just want it to be fixed.