Zoloft Success Story
I am officially one year on Zoloft and I thought I would come back and share my success.
Dec. 2022 I was working at a local Emergency Room. That is when I had my first panic attack. I had to be seen in the hospital because my heart rate was 170.
That was the beginning of my year long panic disorder/ agoraphobia journey. I had every symptom you could think of. Dissociation, derealization, constant dizziness, resting heart rate of 140+, internal tremors, eye floaters, chest pain, numbness and tingling, head pressure. I eventually had to go on medical leave because I couldn’t work a full shift without having a panic attack.
I was seen in the ER 10+ times, I had a brain MRI, I saw a neurologist, many other things because I was convinced something else was wrong with me.
Finally on Dec. 2023 I found a new primary Dr who prescribed me Zoloft. I’m not going to lie. It took an along time for it to kick in for me. I started out at 50MG and as of April 2024 I have been on 100MG and it has worked wonders.
I am back to work full time. My mind is in a way better place. I still get a little anxious but NOTHING like before.
I’m pretty sure I might have to be on medication for the rest of my life but I am so happy to be pretty much back to normal.