Where to start.. Zojirushi vs Zojirushi import vs Yum Asia
Ok so it's always the same. I go look for rice cookers, i find something here and there and then i am disappointed in the offers for EU customers.
Reason i started looking again is that the Yum Asia Hotaru IH cookers are in Stock now.
So i was wondering.. what about the following options, does it make sense to order one over the other? I DO want a Zoji since forever now but if it's not that much difference and i can save some money... mh.
So, the Yum Asia options are just: one of the IH offerings. That's the Fuji, Hotaru and Sakura
Here are the other options:
- Buy Zojirushi GAQ10 (made in japan) which has neither pressure nur IH, costs about 370€
- Import a japanese one, like the Zojirushi NW-JW10 or NW-MA07 and get a 1.5kw converter for it.. costs about 600€ Although they don't have that classic look ;) but they are more compact!
- Get a friend to send me a Zojirushi NW-QAQ10 (made in japan) from the UK, which will cost about 750€ around-ish. 600€ für the Zoji, rest shipping and handling, import tax etc..
Ok so these are my options! I plan to use the cooker often and for a long time, my prefernce is still a nice Zoji.
I can't read Japanese though, but I don't expect it to be too complicated? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Are there any other obvious choices?
Any help is appreciated a lot, because i finally want to get one and not look for forever :) Thank you very much