Zed players are Awesome.

Few days ago i was playing ranked as support and all my team tilted, except our Zed. We were insulting each other as if it was an attempt to save our ego and not admit we were getting destroyed. Zed didn't mute everyone and instead he was answering us in a calm way, saying that these types of games could happen and we still stood a chance. But well, who the fuck would care about the words of a 0/2/0 midlaner? Nobody considered him as the surrender vote started. Then the magic happened! I was seeing this player, playing with passion sweating for his team and couldn't help but feel inspired. Those mechanics were clean, that decision making flawless. He started picking up kills here and there saving my adc who remained 10 hp and recalled to safety. Our top laner had lost every hope. He was just under his tower begging for cs. Then he saw a ping on my way, it had been a long time since that top laner had seen that ping before and suddenly started advancing against the enemy Renekton. But oh boy, Renekton was fucking fed. He had 5 kills and was pretty ahead of cs. "He must be crazy! That's it! I definitely tilted him!" Renekton must've said, already tasting another free kill. THEN A SHADOW APPEARED. "Who's there? Zed? I'll blow him up with my ult and grave him with this Jax" he must've said. But Zed was too focused, combining the use of Jax's cc they managed to shut him down and Jax picked up the 1000 gold bounty. Zed returned in midlane, as Jax stopped flaming his team and started believing in a possible win. The game goes on and the kill score started to get a little more even. Every team has defeated 3 drakes and the last one is a damn Infernal. We try to fight for vision control but we are just getting annihilated by their poke and presence. As we have no vision you see this guy activating his youmuu running to the dragon pit blindly going in in front of 5 people as he steals the Infernal drake and gets out. Their team was starting to get destroyed mentally as the coin flipped against them, and we had a lead. As the final siege approached, you see Zed waiting patiently at the enemy's red buff. As he saw the enemy Jinx and janna approaching the red buff he absolutely blew them up putting them in a 50 sec respawn cooldown. We then proceeded to win the game sieging their base 5 v 3. You remember that guy who 0/2/0 'd at 10 minutes into the game? Look at him now! Being 25/2/13! His team was dead! Without hope! He has the spirit of a Challenger player! As a support main, i gotta say thank you. Thank you for letting me see what a Zed main is really like.