A video showing gore which isn't age restricted
Hello, I found this video called
Oslobadjanje brda Husar - Tesanj 13.10.1994 g 2.dio
which translates to
The liberation of Husar Hill - Tesanj 10.13.1994 part 2
The video was recorded during the Bosnian War which lasted from 1992 to 1995, it shows footage of Bosnian government forces liberating Husar Hill. The video itself is 54 minutes long, it's mostly clean or as clean as war footage could be, until it reaches the 40-minute mark where it gets crazy. There, Bosnian soldiers are seen rummaging through the captured Serb trench, there they show a couple of dead bodies. However, the most gruesome body appears at the 44:50 mark, there, a dead Serb soldier is shown with a fist sized hole in the back of his head through which his brain seems to be "leaking".
I wanna know, are these types of videos which show gore but aren't age restricted at all common?
I never saw something like this before.
Anyway, here is the link if you actually want to see the video itself (DISCLAIMER: GORE):