It's getting worse

Hey, just want to share my experience the past one year, since I am thinking YNAB is giving me a worse experience month by month and is charging an unfeasible price. Some points are lacking features, which seem obvious but haven't been implemented for years and some points are just decision made which don't make much sense, at least in my case.

  • I am European, I know not the "target market" but I still miss the support for other languages. I am using the YNAB to organize my and my parents finances, we use one and the same budget since we decided two years ago to move all together. Our household is German, English and Polish speaking. The lack of support for multiple languages is a bummer but nothing that makes me think to cancel my subscription.

  • The decision to move credit card to an own category which just increases the amount of clicks to check my transactions. It is a bad decision in my case, skimming through comments and posts, I wasn't able to understand what or who is the beneficiary of this change. Furthermore having a category called "CASH" feels very arbitrary. I could assume it's again an European thing. We often don't have multiple credit cards or credit accounts which require a seperate group, but even then "CASH" and "CREDIT"? Give us the option to customize those categories. I want for example a group "Thomas' Accounts", that would at least make some sense once I have to reconcile my accounts.

  • Android App, there should be a possibility to turn a previously split category payee easily to a single category transaction. It's bothersome to deselect all those saved categories till just one is left to enter a single category transaction.

  • More often some glitches are occurring or maybe another change which shows me my pending transactions in another collapsible row. Why? Those transactions were already entered by me, I would assume YNAB matches them automatically and not showing duplicates.

  • Communication, can we have a roadmap or something that makes YNAB cahnges/decisions transparent. It's exhausting to check one's budget and experience some new "feature". AFTER it's implementation it gets communicated by e-mail! Please talk to the community beforehand or better yet release a roadmap so users can prepare for changes.

  • Price, ~100€ per year. That's a lot. A lot and the improvements made are not justifying such a price. If you consider "potential" savings made by user who use YNAB as solid criterion for your pricing, I think you are wrong. It reminds me of Elon Musks BS about the potential of your autonomous Tesla to make you money by using it as a taxi. I assume if you create a dedicated CREDIT category, most of the users are relying on credits. Think about it! The competition is catching up and 100€ p.a. is too much for renaming "report" to "reflect" adding category groups and hotkeys.

Anyway, those points above and the concern it's a US company which presumably stores it's data on US-servers in a climate of deteriorating US-EU relations, plus access of DODGE personnel to sensitive data, makes me day by day reconsider sticking with YNAB.