Best way to convince friends/family to start YNABing?
Happy new year yall!
I've been hyping up YNAB for a year and my family and some friends are finally interested in starting, but a still a bit on the fence. i.e. "I don't know if my brain works like that," "I don't have time," "I don't get it" "I don't want another subscription that I don't use"
It was not intuitive to me at first but I persevered and have reaped the rewards majorly! But I also was not annoyingly led to it by a family member, lol.
I want to respect their hesitations and allow them to come to it on their own, with some skilled and subtle guidance. My mom and sister have agreed to sit down and let me show them the ropes. Does anyone have a super convincing video that isn't necessarily nitty-gritty how-to, but more big picture?
I'm planning on showing them reddit so they can see all the wins, showing a video, and then showing them mine to see how it works in action.
I really want this to stick, but I know I can only lead them to water! Any tips or success stories appreciated :) What convinced you to finally commit, if you were hesitant?