i love writing but i feel really cringe ?

we all love writing really, why else would we be here lol but recently i’m trying to start up my writing routine again. i find that i can sit and work for 5-10 minutes and then get distracted and it breaks the flow. it’s particularly annoying since whenever i try to start up again or pick up an old draft of mine, i start to feel suuuuper cringe.

anything i put down makes me think i’m an awful writer that people would make fun of. im a part of a lot of fandoms online for games or manga i like, so whenever someone gets made fun of/told they’re wrong/mocked in comments etc for writing scenarios or headcanons i also think, oh my writing is probably cringe like that too, even though my writing right now is all original and not fanfiction (love my fanfic friends out there, yall keep the world spinning <3)

im thinking it’s probably just that online-fandom mentality, which then makes it feel even sillier cause again—no one’s gonna see my writing as i don’t share it, who cares?—but the little voice in my head is constantly saying it sucks it’s cringe stop writing what are you doing etc.

any advice for getting past that ?