I'm splitted between two versions of scene and wanted to know your opinions.

So problem first and context later.

I have idea of scene (or more like chapter) that have mc and his friend making jigsaw and talking about their feelings and reasonings etc.

Other version is that these two characters becomes very emotional and start to be empathetic towards eachother. Which in turn makes part later in the story where mc leaves completely more impactful to characters.

In other scenario they start to argue instead of becoming empathetic and whatnot. Which would also make mc leaving more impactful but for compmetely different reasons.

I'm actually writing this chapter right now but am stuck because I don't know which version I should go. I have both somewhat planned out already. I'm very stubborn to change anything in the story even if it would hurt the story. So I want outside opinion.

Context: Mc(Villy) is oprhan and hunted by his father's friend. Villy has been vanished for long periods of time twice because of reasons he kept secret from everyone. After each vanishing he turned more and more cold and unempathetic and souless towards everyone, which alongside of some wannabe love triangle made Villy almost kill his friend.

Now other friend(Julia) asked Villy to do jigsaw with her. As they make it, they start to talk about their feelings and otger things. Villy for example reveals why he is orphan. And Julia reveals why she don't have father and yap yap yap...

I hope that's enough context to understand and make some sort of picture in your head to give me unbiased opinion, which version of this scene to choose. I like both and they both have different impact to the characters.
