New to WoW- when did you get hooked?
I started WoW on Monday and have been playing a couple hours every now and day and really enjoyed the game so far. Exploration and just looking at the awesome areas and zones is really exciting.
I play a Druid and tried out some dungeons as a DPS, which was ok, then I tried tanking and got kicked out of 2 groups in a row, which was a bummer because of the queue blocking. Especially since the newcomer chat and general community has been very wholesome so far.
Then I tried healing and hot damn, it’s fun! Now I just want to heal and see these health bars go up!
The game finally hooked me when I completed the dead mines in a random queue for the first time and looted a mount called infinite timereaver or something and it looks really dope.
What was your moment when the game „got you“?
Also: is it worth for a new player to get War Within? Any general tips for someone starting out?