Tradwife/SAHM mom content making me feel like crap

I want to start off by saying I have NO problem with SAHM or Tradwives. I think women should choose the path that works for them. But I will say, I had to delete TikTok because of the constant content revolving around how daycare, working and sending your kid to public school is a horrible life choice. I find myself getting sucked into rage bait of how being a working mom is ultimately selfish. I’m secure in my job, I love it. My kids are spectacular. But this inflammatory content that I know is designed to make mothers feel enraged and get engagement. But I reach a breaking point and sometimes don’t know how to brush off the content. How have you overcome these polarized views with motherhood and working? It feels like there’s no right way to mother at all turns.

I thought I was the only one, thank god for you older mothers who are so much more self actualized than me! You’ve helped me so much. And to the moms that are also letting these intrusive thoughts occupy space. I feel you. There’s just no winning in motherhood unless you live authenticity and to the best version of self. I didn’t think as many of you would relate or have as much great feedback as you’ve given. I wish I was around more working moms who I felt comfortable talking to about this stuff