RE: TW Death update,

Hi again. So I don’t know if my last post came off as if I was planning to harm myself but that is not the case.

Two months ago I was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer which I have now found out is a silence killer because I never had any symptoms before and always thought of myself as healthy for the past 24 years I’ve been alive. However it’s far two late and I’ll be lucky to even get an additional two years.

I will be reaching out to an attorney to get the trust and my estate in order. My biggest concern is my ex trying to alienate our daughters from my family or not allowing contact. He doesn’t even know I’ve been diagnosed and I don’t plan on telling him until late. He has put me through so much to hurt me so I have no doubt he’ll try to cut contact.

I read a comment where someone suggested writing down and recording my voice for my girls and I would love more ideas around that. I want ways to show my girls later down the line that even though I’m not here, that I’m still there and that they WERE 100% loved.