Bought an impulse dress today… am I going to regret it??

My wedding dress journey has been a long one haha bear with me… I ordered Dress1 from Stillwhite but forgot about street size vs dress size, so it’s way too small. I kind of assumed it’d be easy enough to alter and stuck with that plan for months. This weekend, I went dress shopping for fun but found an even dreamier dress (Dress2). I can technically afford it but it feels a little irresponsible and I’m having a hard time justifying it (3k). I came home and tried on Dress1 again and wanted to see if we could have it altered to remove the straps. We took Dress1 to a seamstress today who told us that fixing it to my size wouldn’t be possible. I decided to start over and ran to another store to try on more dresses. I found Dress3 which felt similar to the others for half the price and just went ahead and bought it!! But now I’m freaking out and can’t stop thinking about Dress2 and I’m so scared I’m going to regret it. Is Dress3 as boring as it is in my mind right now or am I overthinking it??