I found WashU's education pretty mid tbh

I think WashU is probably excellent when it comes to premed and premed related classes. Biology, chemistry etc. But I was a humanities major at WashU and I felt it was pretty mid tbh. I actually transferred to WashU from a lower ranked school (I'm a late bloomer) but I didn't think the quality of WashU's teaching in the liberal arts was that great if I can be honest. I even preferred the professors at my lower ranked college. I get that WashU is more bio focused but still, when I was transferring in WashU was ranked like 12th overall so I was expecting more of a well-rounded school. It did not feel like an ivy league caliber education to me.

Besides the professors not being great teachers, many of them were very smug and one even had kind of a god complex. He wrote some famous book and now thought he was king of the earth. I won't name names but let's just say in particular the medieval studies department is quite problematic.

I'm not sure if I'd say I regretted transferring to WashU, as the dorms, food, campus, community, and people were all wonderful. I had a great time in everything but academics. Sadly though, a school is ultimately about academics so I found that a glaring weakness. Did anyone else find their department at WashU disappointing as well?