
Worked at walmart for 3 and a half years, never used to steal at the beginning. I would always work hard, pay for my stuff never did anything bad. As time went by the management became shitty, they refused to allow me to switch department I was a cart pusher at the time. At first I didn't really mind cause I was only like 6-7 months in and I was happy on carts, but then later on I started to notice that they would say no to the other cart employees about switching because they just refused to hire a new person since it would mean that they had to train and teach them certain things etc and I guess they were just lazy. This got worst later on, my friend quit cause he didn't like carts anymore and was refused twice when he asked if he could change department and over time we had 3 other guys quit for the same reason which pissed me off cause I was alone some shifts since I was basically the only good cart guy left and it got to the point where I started not giving a shit anymore.

I started messing around during my shifts working slow, constantly texting, watching youtube and stealing, I stole snacks chips frozen food. Stole about 300$ worth a food and i never once got caught or got in a trouble. I ended up quiting and to this day nobody noticed that I stole. I would walk in the store holding either an old Walmart receipt or just any receipt from a random store as long as it folded and they don't see the logo. Walk in and just grab what you want and walk right out. Half the time they'll just see you holding a receipt and just let you go. That's what I normally did and I live in canada