How do you not get too emotional in the lows?
I did everything right. Did tons of research into a company, followed it for more than a year, bought into LUNR as I was able in a slow accumulation averaging $5.50/share. Ended up getting some cheap LEAPs spreading from $2 to $20. Was holding for the big launch and landing. Launch went off without a hitch. Landing hasn't happened yet, but instead of running up to the lunch with hype, it began tanking. Im down almost $15,000 from the highs. Im still way up from where I started, but it sucks seeing my account cut down so much. I started shrinking my stake in order to be a little less risky, but it feels so futile. Im stemming the bleed with some occasional SPY puts, but I don't know bear strategy very well and I feel like im just getting lucky when successful, more than anything. And it certainly is not outpacing this sell-off.
I still think LUNR is a great longterm hold and I'm not losing my house or anything, but I was about 75% of the way to a major purchase, and now I'm basically starting over. And what really is a good buy when everything's catering?
How do you all risk-manage? How do you all not panic?