I'm putting this here because it's a little much but i VIVIDLY remember this as a child and need to know if my brains just making it up.
This had to have been when i was 3-6 years old because i was pulling into the driveway of my childhood home. (so 2006-2009.) I was watching this show on my DVD player my parents got me, a little portable one. I swear it was Curse Of The Were Rabbit if i'm not mistaken.
The memory goes like this: wallace and gromit are in the car and it's dark, it might be raining i'm unsure. Wallace's tire goes flat, so her gets out to check it and starts messing with the spare. He comes back, Looks to back up, and hits a bump. He gets out AGAIN to check, and that's when he realizes he's Run over Gromit.
I remember nothing else but i have been HORRIFIED of this show since. I LOVED flushed away as a kid, but i had to take breaks from watching it because of this. It wasn't just me who witnessed it, both of my parents attested this was 100% the reason i hated this show, because i started screaming and when they went back they saw what happened and got rid of that DVD. Multiple of my cousins around the same age remember this too.
So are we all just crazy? What could a possible explanation be? Does anyone else remember this???