IMO electrocute is a serious contender versus aery after the latest buffs

In the most recent patch electrocutes base damage got buffed to 70-240 from 50-190.

For those unaware the entire reason Viktor has utilized Aery is because it did more effective dmg than electrocute in fights due to his ability to consistently apply Aery on cooldown which out damaged the burst of electrocute that is on a 20 sec cd. Now this is only true once you get around 200 ap, before that breakpoint electrocute will do more damage.

Assuming one atk speed shard you typically start the game at 27ap.

Again electrocute is 70-240 with 5% bonus ap with a 20 second cooldown.

So level one 71.35 dmg/20 seconds is 3.57 dps from electrocute.

Aery does 10-50 with bonus 5% ap and a cooldown that’s minimum of roughly 2.5 sec cd which is only achieved by standing on the enemy.

Again level one with 27 ap is going to do 11.35 dmg and imo the 4/5/6 second CD range is more what a good viktor will get out of it.

Which gets you 2.84, 2.27, or 1.89 DPS

So for laning electrocute is just going to be better and until you are at 1 and a half items electrocute will just be better.

At 200 ap and Im just gonna say level 11 Electrocute does 183.89/20=9.2 DPS

Aery does 44.44/4=11.1 DPS

But obviously proccing it on cd gets harder in some scenarios.

From here on the discussion gets much more theoretical. As in a sidelane one v one all in electrocute will still likely out perform Aery as the fight will not last 20 seconds and thus the dmg output should be lower.

But for teamfights aery will still be better if you are consistently able to use spells on targets and proc it on cooldown.

Essentially this makes electrocute a viable tech against some matchups and potentially better in the late game for certain playstyles.

I think the main one will be Akali, electrocute will be way better as its one of the harder matchups to abuse aery on despite her being melee and late game electrocute will definitely let you dual her better.

Also I’ve been hearing that games are being decided earlier but not necessarily lasting longer so that also make it feel like Electrocute will be better in higher elos that typically have shorter game times.

Curious to see what y’all think and if anyone has been experimenting with it! Personally on a bit of a break from league but saw the change and immediately thought of the thunderlord viktor days :)

TL;DR Electrocute outdpses aery until around two items. In shorter fights and 1v1s it will do more dmg for most of the game.