Are my parents abusive

I'm gonna try to keep this short, today my mom came into my room while I was asleep while she was on the phone with my dad (on speaker). I heard her talk about my Dino mask that was on the floor, she said it was satanic and she wanted to throw it away (I spent months on it, which she knew) and my dad agreed she should. Then she left. The whole day I've felt off about it. My mom and step father seem to think all the hobbies I enjoy are "satanic" in some way. I am a satanist but I don't include anything satanic in my hobbies or art, I keep my religion to myself so I don't make anyone uncomfortable.

My mother has always been bad with getting me proper help, I've had depression since I was 8 years old (I'm 13 right now) and she always told me it was a phase caused by hormones. Even after learning I have sexual assault and rape trauma (2 different times) she continues to tell me it's a phase. If it was a phase I feel like it would've ended after the first 2-3 years, but it's been 6. She refuses to get me therapy or medication for my depressive breakdowns. I have constant night Terrors involving my trauma but she doesn't know. The times I have told her she tells me to focus on happy thoughts. She has always said "there's nothing wrong with you, you're fine." I don't think I am.

My step father has always been too high expectant of me, since I was 9. I'm supposed to and expected to act like I'm 17, and if I break through or unmask I am punished for acting childish. This has caused me to believe I can't be who I am. I have to put on a mask of what they want and never show who I am. When I unmask they call me the r slur (which is a word they cannot reclaim). This has caused me to be afraid to come out as transgender. My parents are Republicans who believe all trans children are confused and brain washed. They want me to be their perfect daughter, they're so caught up in making sure I'm perfect that they haven't noticed that I hate my body, I hate everything about myself, but they think that me wanting to kill myself because I'm an assigned female at birth is what's best for me.

I don't know what to do to escape. I don't know if I should go off on my mom and yell at her about the fact that I feel like I can't be happy without it being satanic. What do I do.