My son has gone Vegan what do I do?
So I'm a big meat eater, sorry. My five year old son and I were discussing Neolithic persistence hunting and that humans sweat. (He never left the "why" phase and I don't plan to stop him) Anyways I got to the hunting part and this upset him, said the animals should be brought home for farms. I then informed him what happens at farms which only upset him further and has lead him to make the choice to no longer eat any kind of meat.
I support my son to make this choice and I'm sure he's planning on sticking to this since we're now going on a month of not just refusing to eat meat but telling everyone he can that they shouldn't be eating meat when he sees it. However, I am an idiot when it comes to Vegan meals and the like. I know I could skirt by with a vegetarian diet but if hes five and already making this call then I'd like to find healthy meals that won't harm his growth or leave him undernourished ( I'm probably making some of you very upset with how ignorant I am on this front and I accept your admonishing so long as I get some helpful answers). For all I know he's too young for this but I'll do whatever I can for him. But if there's some meals I can make for him I'd love the input.
TL:DR I'm an idiot and my five year old son is a better person than me and I want to support him while also making sure I can still properly feed him. Any meal ideas for growing kiddos?