I need some help. Finding the fitting puzzle pieces.

Please no discussion about anything that have to do with the law case.

I can't believe JYP is so stupid to choose KG and Kaylee in the USA and than go the hard Korean perfect idol way. VCHA could have been the female version of stray kids in my eyes. Something they have looking for in loud.

KG can write songs, was in an marketing influencer squade and isn't shy to say what she believe is right.

Kaylee is someone that pressure herself to much already and she is a minor as well.

Choosing them but going in the oposide direction doesn't make sense to me. The only thing i can think of is: that something drastically change between A2K, debut and 1st comback.

A2K starts with the Kpop american concept, but it feels like they change it while the show was taking place. The debut was okay if the girls had found their new sound behind the scenes. But the 1st comback shows they haven't.

The only factor i can think of is republic record, but we haven't heard anything from them.

So as you see i am very confused and can only shake my head. What are they doing? I can't believe it. They lose so much potential with 1 member out, 1 member on hiatus and from 1 member we haven't hear anything. It all sounds to perfect and i got blinded by it.

I can only hope all 6 member find the right way for themself.