Who's your favourite named vampire that isn't a version of Dracula or Carmilla?

Found these types of question here before but I saw a lot of the answers were versions of Dracula so I decided to say the same question but make it clear that it can't be Dracula... nor Carmilla either. So, excluding versions of Dracula and Carmilla, who's your favourite named vampire?

As to make certain with Dracula and Carmilla, even if they are known by another name, if they are meant to the two figure, they don't count. An example is Count Orlok who is a version of Dracula so he is out.

As for me, out of the top of my head, I would say Shalltear Bloodfallen from Overlord. I love her as a character and as a monster. Seras Victoria from Hellsing and Walter Bernhard from Castlevania are both a close second.