I don’t care if idols use NFTs
EDIT: I thought the Agrees would be below 10%, so I’m pleasantly surprised agrees are at 20%
Personally, when I tune into kpop, I only care about the music and the members themselves. If it were my favorite idol, I honestly wouldn’t care if they choose to sell or buy nfts. I wouldn’t pay attention at all if they promote their nfts because frankly speaking when nfts are brought up, it goes from one ear to the other. I understand that nfts are bad for the environment (tldr: in order to keep an nft secure, multiple computers are needed to run; thus creating a ton of carbon emission) but it’s not the worst thing an idol can do. There’s a lot of things an idol can do to turn me off, but nfts are not one of them. I know I’m being ignorant by turning a blind eye to the problem of environment pollution done by idols promoting nfts, but kpop to me is not something I take too seriously, just entertainment.
Unpopular opinion because a lot of people hate that idols and companies are turning to nfts.