People think success is determined by your drive and effort.. but it’s really more about your looks and popularity
There’s this unattractive autistic girl I work with and her dream is to become a model and actress. She talks about how she’s going to go to acting school and be in movies and it’s kinda sad because while she has this extreme fascination and desire for it, I can tell the world won’t take her seriously because of her mental disability and her appearance. She’s almost in her 30s and she talks about achieving these things as if she’s a teenager and it’s sad because I can relate.
I wanted to be a voice actor, but I had to give it up because even that is about how you look, having to go to auditions in person, having friends in the industry who are willing to vouch for you to get you in that space, being able to compete with actors who have grown up pretty and privileged who have had parents pay for them to take classes nonstop, people who were willing to give them roles because of how they look… I feel like unless you’re extremely talented, then everything you want to achieve is mostly about how attractive and popular you are, regardless of how badly you want or work for something
I’ve taken classes, practiced relentlessly, have been consistent and I still don’t get anywhere because being ugly really does put a CAP on any potential you may have. As soon as I have do anything in person people are laughing in my face telling me I CANT do something and they DIDNT EXPECT IT FROM ME…. And this is all based off what they perceive about me based on my looks
I remember I did karaoke and an old man came up to me and said “I didn’t expect that FROM YOU but you were good” as if to say because I’m ugly he thought I’d be incompetent at singing…….. something that has no correlation to my appearance …. Like wtf
I’ve been told so many times by people that I CANT do much of anything and it’s like people prevent you from being able to reach your full potential because they look down on you for being ugly. At one of my jobs a girl said I’d NEVER be able to be a singer… even though I feel I sing decently I feel she was subconsciously saying that because I’m ugly id never be able to be taken seriously as a singer because its NOT about how good you are at something it’s about how good you LOOK
You can be shitty at anything, but as long as you look good people will put you on a stage and give you thousands… and then be willing to give you the proper training to get good
If yours ugly people already assume you can’t succeed, because they won’t let you. Even if you’re good at something people will scoff and laugh it off and be annoyed that you managed to be good at something as an ugly person because they dont feel like you deserve it
It’s just sad because I think of all the potential I had to do many things, but was never allowed to pursue because the world rejects me for being ugly and keeps me held back and held down
So I’m stuck doing mediocre basic things because that’s what the world wants to see from me
They don’t want you to pursue your dreams, they really think you should be slaving away in some warehouse killing your body when you’re ugly…… and that doesn’t sit right with me
Because I know I’m capable of so much more , but what’s the point if no one gives you the chance or doesn’t think you’re capable because they don’t like how you look?