What variable monospaced font do you like?

Recently, I've created an archive of all the variable fonts available on Google Fonts, GitHub, and a number of other places, for distribution as value-added content with one of my company's products. Aside from a few paid options, these are under free license.

  • Azeret Mono
  • Cascadia Code
  • Chivo Mono
  • Fira Code
  • Inconsolata
  • JetBrains Mono
  • Kode Mono
  • M Plus Code
  • Martian Mono
  • Noto Sans Mono
  • Overpass Mono
  • PT Mono
  • Red Hat Mono
  • Reddit Mono
  • Roboto Mono
  • Sometype Mono
  • Sono Mono
  • Spline Sans Mono
  • Ubuntu Sans Mono
  • Victor Mono

A number of these are noteworthy in some way. Victor Mono is probably my favourite right now; I like its vertically-stretched letterforms (i.e. large x-height) and the fact that it has distinctly Balkan Cyrillic as an option (i.e. locl.SRB and locl.BGR) as opposed to the default Russian-style Cyrillic. (The Balkan letterforms are very similar to handwritten, i.e. cursive, Cyrillic, but upright. Think of the difference between single-storey and double-storey variants of a and g, and you'll be in the right ballpark.) I believe Ubuntu Sans Mono and Overpass Mono also have Balkan Cyrillic as distinct from Russian Cyrillic. Overpass Mono is also interesting because it's a monospaced reinterpretation of the "Highway Gothic" font, which is the American equivalent of DIN 1451.

Some of these also have "real" or "typewriter" italics (which aren't simply slanted Roman, or similar to slanted Roman, but closer to handwritten cursive): Cascadia Code, again Victor Mono, iA Writer Mono are the most distinctive, but aside from those there's Chivo Mono and JetBrains Mono.

Which of these do you like, and for what application? Right now, one of my publications (manual to my company's yet-to-be-released product) uses Victor Mono paired with Poltawski Nowy (Polish-origin serif for body text) in Solarized colour scheme, although I've been considering and testing different pairings: perhaps Sofia Sans (Bulgarian-origin sans serif that uses Balkan Cyrillic as default) for online, perhaps Cascadia Code or JetBrains Mono for the code snippets.