Unpopular Take: Bella lead Jacob On, Resulting in “The Kiss”

Yes. I am ready to get downvoted to oblivion, but I’m rereading the series for the first time as an adult. I previously always HATED that Jacob kissed Bella against her will and again semi coerced her into another one, and I’m not saying he was right to do any of that….but I understand why he could feel she was hiding her true feelings for him, resulting on him “making a move”.

And honestly, I hated the fact that she could never admit it to herself where it was that plain as day that she loved the boy. Maybe she wasn’t IN LOVE with him like she was with Edward (see infatuated), but to deny she had any feelings or attraction to Jacob is silly.

I also hated the fact that Bella so easily forgave Edward for leaving (I understand why he did however) but she used Jacob to patch the hole he left and then just kicked him to the curb when he came back like they weren’t getting closer.

I feel like too many people hate Jacob for how it all played out when she even admitted she knew she crossed boundaries with him, but she knew “he understood”, like it’s his fault for catching feelings.

Then, he ends up imprinting on Ren&Stimpy for whatever godforsaken reason, like he can never be free from Bella.

I know he’s a flawed character, but he deserved better.

Rant over