Question About Possible Stress Related Hair Loss

To preface, I’m sorry if this is a question that is asked a million times, I just couldn’t find anything that related directly to the situation that I’m in.

I’m a 25 y/o male who has always had extremely thick hair and no receding hairline/no early signs of MPB. When I graduated college I started a very stressful job, then moved onto another job during covid that I thought was going to be better. I worked from home and I’ve since learned that working from home is not good for me. It caused me to be extremely stressed/anxious/depressed and basically I hardly left the house for 2.5 years and before this I was a healthy college athlete. This went on for nearly 3 years. During all of this, when I would shower I would have to clean my drain catcher of hair after nearly every shower and every time after 2 showers. My shoulders were always covered in my own hair and hair covered my bathroom from drying my head. Also, I’ve never had a great beard, but during that time if I lined my beard up I could legitimately go over a week without having to line it up again. With all of that being said, my hair is obviously much more thin than it used to be. With the amount that I was shedding, it would be impossible for my hair to have not gotten extremely thin. The thinning is only in the front where my bangs are, and goes back to the crown of my head. The sides and back are not thin at all. So basically the bald spot that George has in Seinfeld is the area my hair is thin.

Fast forward to now, I got a new job that I absolutely love. I’ve been here for 3 months now, Not stressed at all. Within a week of being at this job, I realized I had showered every day for a whole week and my drain catcher hardly had any hair on it at all. Also when I line my beard up, within 2-3 days I already need to do it again. But my hair is still thin although there ARE tiny baby hairs growing in the front that the person i get my haircut from also noticed.

My question, was this thinning hair more than likely a direct result of my stress and bad health for those 2 years?
If so, should should I maybe attempt to use product/medication?
Lastly, if it was stress related thinning, is there a general time frame of when my hair could get back to its normal density? Or at least similar density of old?

Any responses are much appreciated. Was in a really bad place mentally and physically, just happy to care about myself again. Thank you.