Best compact camera for travel
I am looking for a digital camera for travel. I have looked through past threads but haven’t found many that match my purpose for purchasing a camera versus using my iPhone 14 Pro.
I would like to be able to print my photos (not massive but larger than the standard 4x6 photo, so maybe 8x10 or 10x12). I would also like to be able to look back at my pictures years down the road and still be able to see a high quality photo. Maybe this has been resolved with the new phones and higher megapixel count (I just upgraded from an iPhone 7 to the 14 Pro last year), but it seems that when I look at old photos that have been taken with a phone, they are pixelated and poor quality.
Many of the cameras I have seen recommended are $1000+ (Sony RX100, for example), but ideally my budget is $500-$600. Most of our travels are to “nature-y” places (ex: Olympic NP, mountains of CO, coastal areas like Big Sur) so my photos are primarily landscape scenes and photos of my fiancé and I.
I appreciate any guidance anyone can provide!