Vaginoplasty/bottom surgery at the Women’s College Hospital in Toronto or GRS in Montreal?
Hello everyone,
I am a trans girl who is looking into doing vaginoplasty/bottom surgery at the Women’s College Hospital in Toronto or GRS in Montreal. The nurse practitioner who works with me asked me to do some research on where i want to be referred, so that i would love to seek your input on which surgeon I should choose to do my bottom surgery.
For those of you who had your surgery completed at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto or GRS at Montreal, I would love to hear about your experience on the following
1. How long is the wait time ( 2 years? 3 years ?)
2. Who is your surgeon?
3. Did you experience post- op complication? How was the post op care/ support from the Women’s college hospital or GRS?
4. If you have completely recovered, how does your vagina looks like? Does it resemble a natural vagina? ( I would love to see if you have pictures to see, but I also respect and understand if it’s too personal) And if you have sexual intercourse with a cis-male partner, did they talk about how it feels the same/ similar as a cis woman’s vagina, or it feels very different? ( like does it has good depth and stretches?)
5. Lastly, are you happy with this decision? Did you regret doing this surgery? If you can turn back in time, would u still choose the same surgeon who conduct your bottom surgery ?
Thank you so much everyone!! <3 <3
P’s: I know that I am not the best at replying to people’s response in my previous reddit post. But please note that I really truly appreciate everyone’s input and help <3<3<3