My daughter loves the TJ's reusable shopping bags so much she started collecting them.

This collection is the result of out-of-state travels, asking customers politely, exchanges with crew members, store purchases and trading in a FB group devoted to swapping bags. She doesn't have all of them yet but it is pretty impressive. From left: Ohio, Arizona, North Carolina, Virginia, Southern California, Indiana, Maryland, Washington, Florida, Minnesota, Delaware, Michigan, Kentucky, Alabama, Nevada, Connecticut, Utah, Oregon, Wisconsin, New York, Massachusetts (Boston), New Jersey, New Mexico, Chicago, Texas, and Louisiana.

This collection is the result of out-of-state travels, asking customers politely, exchanges with crew members, store purchases and trading in a FB group devoted to swapping bags. She doesn't have all of them yet but it is pretty impressive. From left: Ohio, Arizona, North Carolina, Virginia, Southern California, Indiana, Maryland, Washington, Florida, Minnesota, Delaware, Michigan, Kentucky, Alabama, Nevada, Connecticut, Utah, Oregon, Wisconsin, New York, Massachusetts (Boston), New Jersey, New Mexico, Chicago, Texas, and Louisiana.