Acess to my money

Hi guys! My toxic parent and I get in to arguments (sometimes they are almsot near physicall) alot and I honestly don't trust her not to touch my money should things go down between us. She has acess to my bank account because it was made before I turned 18. I was wondering if anybody knew of any inconspicuous ways i could move the money I worked for without her knowing I opened up a new bank account.

I spoke with the bank a a while ago, and they said the only thing they could do was get her to sign a form (which I 99% know she wouldnt do because she's going to think im trying to hide something) or i couod open a new account and close the old one. The thing is, my checkings/savings acount show up with hers as soon as the bank app is opened so I now its going to look immedialty suspicious.

Does anyone know what I can do?