Negan was unredeemable
I know its been covered before I stopped watching The Walking Dead after Season 8, once it was clear Negan wasn’t going to die. For me, his redemption arc was a lost cause from the start.
Negan didn’t just kill people out of necessity—he took pleasure in murder, torture, and rape. He ruled through fear, psychologically broke people, and treated women as property. His actions weren’t just about survival in a brutal world; they were about control and dominance, and he enjoyed every second of it.
Trying to redeem someone like that just doesn’t work. I get that the show wanted to make him more complex, but some villains are too far gone for that. Keeping him alive and trying to make him sympathetic felt like the writers wanted the audience to forgive the unforgivable. Once I realized they were going down that road, I checked out for good.