Private practice policy: 2 absences and you're out of here

Hey everyone,

Just have some frustration with a private practice I work for. We have a policy of missing two sessions to then discharge. And this means 2 sessions in a row in any capacity. Be that missed due to illness, vacation/time away, or no show. So if it's planned ahead, missing those session will still discharge you. I don't agree with it but understand it I suppose.

I just want to know if this is a standard working in private practice as this is the first one I've worked for, all other jobs have been in clinics. So does anyone else have a similar policy in their practice?


Hey everyone, Just a quick update to answer some questions.

  • it seems it's case by case, they don't immediately discharge high risk. Though, we also don't take on too high risk cts. We usually refer to a HLOC

  • there are other extenuating circumstances like hospitalizations that won't lead to discharge if it's 2 or more sessions missed.