The Future of Factions - video [10:00]
After making a video exposing cheating and hackers in The Last of Us Factions, a moderator and well known player in the community, @GummaFlores reached out to me asking to help gather proof of cheaters so they are blacklisted in the revival project of the game known as Factions Reloaded. Eventually Factions will be shut down the same as the PS3 version is now. When that time comes and fans are able to play the new revival of the game, they want to be sure there are no cheaters or hackers involved. The only way to make this a certainty is to reach out to the community which is YOU. Without you screenshotting or screen recording a cheater in the act, there is no proof. If every one of you participates we can be sure the cheating doesn't make it into Factions Reloaded.
Thank you and may Factions live on forever!