SBMM needs to be a thing
Not sure if it's in the game already, because if it is, it doesn't work properly. This season has been heavy with getting stomped on, in every single game mode. Ironically, ranked has been the least sweaty game mode (but that is not to say that it is not sweaty by any means).
I complained about this in an earlier post. After checking some of the player names, I found I keep getting matched against top 100 players (ranked/WT), sometimes even top 10. It's also been rife with cheaters, with blatant cheating in about ~1/3 matches.
These players are so clearly far above my skill level, but nothing has changed after losing consistently for almost the entire season. Solo queueing or queueing with friends does not seem to help anything. Getting stomped on gets really old really quickly. There are no "barely lost" games, just "waiting for this to be over" matches. Even when trying till the very end.
I will be taking a break from the game, hoping the situation improves after a little while. I fear that if this is, or becomes, a more widespread issue, this will result in the sweats pushing out other players, pushing the game into a vicious cycle.
Sorry for the rant.