Div2 never fails to disappoint.

We are all aware no one thing or person is perfect. But with that said we can GROW and LEARN from our mistakes. Something this div2 team can’t grasp, broken talents on all my level 20 expertise guns that I can’t reroll? No problem I will wait for a fix, and that fix with be an “im sorry i messed up” package in my gift stash I will never see or get. Oh and taking away god rolls from Danny weaver? Why? It’s not broke, once a week we get some god rolls on shit gear? What’s the big deal. Why take that away, why put energy into something like that. Childhood trauma really shinning through these people. Here is your action figure in perfect condition little Billy, hope you like it. Wait give it back , we have to take an arm and a sock away from him then you can have it back. It’s an old ass game, give us rewards, let us have fun. Shit feels like playing out one big punishment.